Get Rid of it!!! Day 76

After four nights of uncomfortable nights, let’s just say that I am not in my best of moods. I go to the van only to realize that I have no car seats in it. They are in the in-laws van from when they watched the boys. Great!

We went to Savers to see if we could find chairs for the back porch we haven’t finished and we ended up buying a couch.


$25!!! Even though it has a couple tears, we can fix it. So that was a win, yay!

We then went to the cottage (one hour drive), so my in-laws could enjoy seeing their grandchildren playing together…

Cute kids, but my one niece… Is soooooooooooooooooooooooo dramatic. She has these spaz attacks (over minute things) that even a bad drama movie would tell her that she’s overdoing it. Lol add that to my “I wish I was somewhere else” mood and I call  a five year old “drama queen” in my head.

Thankfully, everyone goes to the beach and I stay behind cleaning the aftermath of five preschoolers. I’m exaggerating, it was only a couple of things I had to do.

We get home and we have this couch in the middle of my living room and the house looks so messy. All I see are things we can get rid of. Oh how I wish I could throw everything in a bag and get it out of my house! All these toys, senseless pieces of stuff.

I just want a neat house. To home school my kids and do a good job at it! To find a place for everything and get rid of all of the stuff we don’t need…

But first this awful, yucky attitude is the first thing that needs to go. So as much as i would like to catch up on WordPress, I am going to hopefully get some rest so I can get rid of it!!!

I just realized that we forgot the car seats again…😫😵

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