Laptop Search!

I have been doing most of my blogging from my phone, since I now lay in bed at night instead of downstairs. And because my iMac is ridiculous mess as well as my iPad. But my phone is now not being nice to me either, to the point that I want to go back to a trusty flip phone…maybe go ancient and go to a house phone. Then I can slam the phone like the good ol’ days….ha!

I have been working on simplifying my life…and really, it has helped getting rid of things. But knowing I may be tied down with a baby. I still take care of all of our financial details, homeschooling and basically life! I need something better than my touchy rotten Apple products.

Who better to ask than a Network of writers?

Let me know trusty friends…

Do you love your laptop? If so, would you buy it again? I’d love to hear what you have to say.

4 thoughts on “Laptop Search!

  1. I cannot stress enough how in love I am with my laptop. It is a touchscreen laptop by Dell! I use it day in and day out with schoolwork, scholarships, work, YouTube, blogging, and other things. I would definitely go back and buy this again! It is Windows 10 as well!

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