5 Pet Peeves

My #1 Pet Peeve is sarcasm. I used to use it all of the time in school, duh! (I’m rolling my eyes at myself{also rude}). But now, I find it that it’s one of those things that you shouldn’t do as an adult because it is disrespectful. Plus I have to be an example to my children and I do not want them to be sarcastic.  “SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, MEAN WHAT YOU SAY”

#2. I cannot stand mean kids, lol. Seriously, it grinds my gears! 👊💜(tough love).<=no violence

#3. Racism in America. Let's stop pretending that it's only one way! People don't like each other on a daily basis, but at the very least….“TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED!!! It would fix a lot!

#4. Cold weather…only if I could move…

#5. How they label food “organic”. Why don’t we only label the food with  junk in it and put warnings on them?…”linked to  cancer, may cause seizures, unnecessary chemicals”. Then charge more for the food with the added junk in it.

What are your 5 pet peeves?

If I Had a Million Dollars

So, the first thing I would do is pay off our house, trade our cars and move down South. Then, we’d open a cafe where some of the proceeds would go to different children’s hospitals around the country. I’d build my mom a house in Puerto Rico, fix my dad’s house and take him on his dream vacation to Hawaii. I’d take my in-laws to Italy. And get my sister a new car.

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Tizzy Saturday

Today after Zumba (which nearly killed me since I haven’t gone in over a month) I went shopping for an outfit . I am not a fan of shopping, so it gives me a little bit of anxiety. I grabbed a colorful jumpsuit, two pink shirts, a blue skirt, two brassieres, a sports bra and a workout shirt that says “it won’t be easy but it will be worth it”.

Now, I purchase these items and went home to try them on. The jumpsuit which was a size large, fit nice on the top, but it did not fit my bottom. The skirt which was a medium because the large was to long, did not fit. One of the pink shirts was too big,  the brassieres I did need, the gym shirts and bra are my new obsession.

The only thing that was a yay was a pink dress shirt that I wore to a bridal shower (4 hour commute), everything else will be returned tomorrow.

A highlight of my day was while driving through my old neighborhood, I saw friends I went to school with. It was really nice and also spending time with my family.

It was a good day, I do not like how clothes fit me, but hey, I just need to stay off the cookies and get back to Zumba regularly.

I did not get rid of anything today… It was my day off.

A Bit of This and That

I worked on numbers, sight words and days of the week with my boys before they finally agreed to eat breakfast. I cleaned the refrigerator and the kitchen and forced the kids to go play outside on this beautiful day. “No toys” I said, I wanted then to use their imaginations.

While they played, I created part of the curriculum I will be following this year since I am homeschooling officially. I looked up what the state retirements are and started to find fun things to do.

In and out the boys came to asking for water, to have a snack, needed a boo boo kissed.

Something was bugging me about the short story I submitted since before I submitted it. It seemed short for a 1000 words. I couldn’t figure out why, the word counter said over 1000, so I cut the story. Then I figured out what happened…. Ready? It was over 1000 characters, not words… Lol. Typical me! So…. Yeah…  Talk about a short story, lol.

So after my brilliant realization my babe, who did not get my story at all (go figure), got home from work. We had a couple of beers, fired up the grill and made dinner.


Yes, my hamburger was half gone. So yummy and no burger bun for me. This tasty hamburger was seasoned with my special adobo, grilled over charcoal, topped with grilled onion and mushrooms, super spicy jalapeño, with mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. Absolutely delish with a side of green and Mexican beer.

After stuffing our faces, we all took showers, watched a documentary that everyone fell asleep watching except me because I am writing. But I am going to be fine for now. I am exhausted. I bid you adieu!


I slept in today and my big guy did not want to get up either. So we allowed ourselves a late morning.

We went to the gym, dropped the boys of at the Kids Klub while I went to Zumba class. I have missed class for about a month now because I have been going to yoga instead. But there was a substitute and as fun and sweet as she seemed…I yearned for a good workout and this was not working, so I walked out and stepped on the bike. A minute and thirty-four seconds in, Miss Ashley gets me because little guy got an elbow to the face. So… I was done.

Little guy was okay, but we left and went out to lunch. The boys had macaroni and cheese and I had cream of chicken and wild rice soup.

We then went to the bookstore where we spent about four hours. The boys played while I read 17 chapters of a book I decided I was not going to buy since I read thirteen chapters last Sunday. I have awesome kids.

We went to the Christmas Tree store to buy rain coats and cookies. We then decided to go to the park and find some Geocaches. I looked and looked, still no luck. But I won’t give up.

After I retired for the day, we had our in-laws come over for dinner, which was very relaxing. And here I am, exhausted trying not to fall asleep. So, that was my day.

Until Next Time,

I need a new closing statement… Lol

Underneath Your Clothes…

There is what we call underwear. Usually, we tend to keep them until they nearly disintegrate. Both men and women, obviously, there are exceptions. But it was a condition in our home at least.

Being the laundry cleaner in our home. I realized my husband’s undergarments were reaching a point of me questioning “how can he wear these?” So being the good wife that I am I replaced socks, underpants and undershirts with all new stuff. All better!

Well, being used to not wanting to “waste” money on myself, I kept my undies which were pretty much a decade old (they had good quality stuff back then). But then the man of the house made a sarcastic comment (I really dislike sarcasm) about my so sexy undies and I purposely dismissed him. And waited until he forgot about it.

I ditched the oldies and purchased new stuff that were comfy, but pleasing to his eyes. I went to Victoria’s Secret…jk…I went to Target. And without him knowing replaced everything.

I thought he hadn’t noticed, but he had. I just was not paying attention. I did not realize how much closer he was to me when he would pass by. How his hand would now grace my hip. How his tone changed when he says “you look good babe”. I did not realize how much I missed all of it.

It changed the dynamic a little bit. It feels good. No one sees what’s underneath your clothes except your significant other. It makes a difference when you put that little bit of effort to please the eye of your love. You both get a boost. So why not?

Until Next Time,

It’s the little things.

Dentists, Cleaning and Sweets! Oh My!

I went to the dentist at 9am to get a cavity filled…to find out I needed a root canal, work on a crown on top of the cavity. After I nearly hyperventilated, they told me they could knock me out for $976 that I would have to pay out of pocket. Luckily, I can finance that. Surprise, surprise! I scheduled my appointment, but it ruined my day.

Our friend needed help moving things out of his ex wife’s garage. This makes me nervous because people like to give is things and I am trying to get rid of things.

Well, he was giving us a book shelf that he insisted will fit in our home.


Pretty, it does fit, but it is very big. We appreciate it! And of course, we were happy to help a friend. In helping our friend, we also inherited two boxes of toys, a telescope (cool, I always wanted one), shirts and hats, winter boots(which we got rid of my old ones), and a drum set.

Well, I spent a quite amount of time cleaning yesterday, so having all of that stuff on what was my clean foyer put me in a crankier mood.  I did a lot of pacing and my husband kindly gave me a shot of tequila (so gross, but surprisingly effective).

I don’t care, I am tired of doing things I need to do like clean so I left the mess, sat in the computer and watched Wrestlemania 31! I am so happy Undertaker won, same with Daniel Bryan and John Cena. I wished Brock Lesnar would quit (he doesn’t seem like a nice person at all) even out of the ring, but he lost which is satisfaction to me.

I made organic brownies from scratch and made Sundays! And then passed out and slept wonderfully!


Brownie, French Vanilla Ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and sprinkles!

Until Next Time My Friend,

End the nights sweetly, with hugs and kisses!

Busy Day

Yesterday, I took the boys to swimming class where I was told the boys were improving, but that they should remain in the first level for the next class. I am very proud of them, they are doing very well.

After, we went to the bookstore, we had lunch and the boys played with Lego’s for 3 hours. I read 13 chapters of a book about a16 year old girl who made a list after she found out her cancer was terminal. I did not want to spend the money on a new book. I had to bribe the boys to get them to leave.

As soon as we got home, outside we went. I went into my donation box and got to something out. Can you believe it?


I then took the weeds out of my garden. I dug, pulled and ripped weeds and vines. The boys had fun digging for worms.

Then we went to Grandma’s house and took all of the stones that a train shot at the house. It was supposed to clean up snow, but instead it shot stones which did damage to many houses.


We decided to spend the night, and head to the zoo tomorrow. That was my day.

Until Next Time Amigos,

What did you do today?

Vacation Read (Hopefully)

I have been reading The House of Night series since it first came out almost a decade ago. The morning of my flight  of my honeymoon, I ran to the book store to buy it because it came out that day. I have every book and even pre-ordered an autographed one.


It is a teen vampire series and I absolutely love it.

Usually, I read these books in one night. But this time, I have not even been able to open it to start reading it. But hopefully, on this upcoming vacation, I am able to have some time to read! We will see!

Until Next Time My Friend,

What is your favorite genre?

Dentist Appointment

Ahhhhhhh!!! I am not a fan! Good news! No Tatar…one cavity which I knew I had, but my fear has kept me from going to get it fixed.

What I did find out is that I need braces. My under bite, which I never knew I had, is wearing my top teeth and fractured my bottom. So that is the bad news, but we can stop it from damaging more. So that is good news.

I have a consultation tomorrow to find out if they can really help me! I hope our insurance covers it! Fingers crossed!

Until Next Time,

Wish me luck please! 🙇